
Is this a dupe for the new Tom Ford Lip Blush with 24K Gold???

Welcome back and Happy New Year! Sorry I’ve been MIA. I’ve been living my best life and enjoying the married life. But I’m back now! I promise I will do my best to be more consistent. Now that the pleasantries are out of the way. Let’s get down to what you came here for… Today, we are reviewing the Winky Lux Glimmer Balm – Rose´. According to Winky Lux, this is “the ultimate diva of lip balms, Glimmer Balm applies clear then reacts with skin's pH levels to create your perfect shade of sparkling pink.” I will say this is very diva like seeing that the cost is $16. Yes! You read that right. This lip balm is $16. I think it’s the most expensive lip balm I’ve every purchased. That’s almost in the price range for a lipstick. So, does it actually work??? To my surprise, my lips did indeed change colors when I wore this product. The Glimmer Balm lasts about 7+ hours. When I say it lasted, what I mean is that the color was still there. However, if we’re talking about the “

The Cosmetic “Procedure” I Regret

As people, we are always trying to put our best face forward. Guess what! I’m no different.  I recently got married back in October. I wanted to make sure that I looked my absolute best for that day and my husband. I wanted him to say, “DAMN!” when he saw me walking down the aisle. So, prior to the wedding, I did the Keto diet and did my skincare regiment religiously. But I still didn’t feel like I was my best self. This is partially because of all the pics of brides on Instagram and friends. Yes, I admit it. I was feeling a bit self-conscious. Because of my obsession to look perfect, I began focusing on details that others, including my husband, wouldn’t even notice and didn’t matter. One of those things were my eyelashes. I became obsessive over them. I was putting oil on them to make them grow even longer and thicker. After doing my research, I decided to get semi-permanent eyelash extensions. The place I went to was nice and clean. The technician was very informative o

A New Way to Wash My Makeup Brushes

Hey y’all! I’m back!!! Sorry that it’s been so long since my last blog. These past few weeks have been full of new beginnings and changes. I started a new job. And to top it off, I got married to my amazing husband, Corey!  J Enough of life. Let’s get down to business. Pop quiz: what is one of the worst parts about wearing makeup? Most of you probably said, “taking it off at the end of the night”. For me, it’s cleaning the makeup brushes. I absolutely HATE cleaning brushes and sponges. This is why I usually have duplicates of many. That way, I don’t have to wash them as often.  Despite me hating the cleaning process, I am a firm believer of not using dirty brushes and sponges on my face. When you use dirty brushes, you are more like to have breakouts due to the fact you’re smearing bacteria and dirt all…over…your…face. That’s gross! When I clean my brushes, I typically use Cinema Secrets Professional Makeup Brush Cleaner. This stuff is the truth! I can clean all of my brus

Things I Wish I Had When My Luggage Was Missing

I recently had a trip to Chicago cancelled due to the weather. The weirdest thing is somehow my luggage made it there, even though I didn’t. I was pretty easy going about the whole situation. However, when it came to my skincare… girl, I was stressed!! Anyone who knows me knows I take my skincare very seriously. So, imagine going 3, yes 3 days, without the items that you feel makes you your best self. I probably could live without some of the items in my luggage. But the following items are ones I needed and missed the most.  The first thing I missed in my skincare routine were my Olay Daily Facial Wipes. If you want to know how I really feel about these wipes, check out one of my previous blog here . One of the main reasons why I missed these wipes is because the other cleanser I have at home, Purity, is not my favorite. That cleanser strips my skin and dries it out. My Olay Daily Facial Wipes cleans without taking all out all the essence of my skin.  Another item I hate

ColourPop X Shayla (Shay Day) Review

I recently purchased a couple of the ColourPop Shayla (Shay Day) items that went on sale for MakeupShayla’s birthday.  Before I get into the products purchased, you have to understand my appreciation for MakeupShayla. I follow her on almost every social media platform. I’ve purchased some of her other collaborations. I also felt the need to do so again because I like supporting people who champion for inclusivity with makeup brands.  So, Friday, September 7 th , I went on and spent my little coins. I purchased the Season 10, a red ultra-matte liquid lipstick, and Drippin’, a pearlescent soft peach gloss with gold and silver glitter.  Drippin' Season 10 When these products arrived in the mail, I could not wait to try out my new babies! I lined my lips with Ellarie, a ColourPop lip liner that MakeupShayla recommended on her YouTube channel. I then filled them in with the Season 10 lippie. Once that dried down, I topped it with the Drippin’ glo

“Secret” Mask for Less Than $10

I was talking to Ashley, one of my girlfriend’s, earlier this year. She recommended a face mask, Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay. She stated it was one of the best ones she has EVER purchased. Others have said that it is the most powerful mask they have ever used. Another stated it was better than GLAMGLOW. And here’s the kicker… It cost less than $10!!!  Like many of you, I was doubtful. How could something that is less than $10 allegedly be this fantastic?!?! But I must say, I am so glad that I tried it! The Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Mask is one of the best masks I have ever used! The way that it cleared my pores had me really feeling myself! The glow my skin had the following day had my melanin poppin’!!! The major claim of Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay is that it’s a deep pore cleaning mask. This is done because it’s made with 100% natural calcium bentonite clay. You mix the clay with apple cider vinegar. And Voila! You’re on the road to having magnificent

The New Go-To Makeup Remover Wipes

What if I told you there was makeup remover wipe that was better than the Neutrogena wipes? Would you even believe me? There are so many “dupes” for the cult favorite. I’ve used some of them. Most of them don’t even compare. I accidentally found a top-notch wipe on accident. Let me take you back. I recently went out of town and left my makeup remover wipes. After being disappointed in myself, I ran to Target. I must’ve been feeling quite daring or something. Either that, or I liked the sale on another wipe. Not sure exactly what it was. But I decided to pick them up. And to my surprise, I liked them… a lot!  You’re probably saying, “J Michelle, spill the beans already.” The wipes that I like just as much as my cult-favorite are the Simple Micellar Makeup Wipes.  I’m not sure how old this product is. But it’s new to me. These wipes surprisingly take my make up off better than my old favorites. And that’s saying something. Yesterday, I was able to use only 1 wipe to